So perhaps and explanation is necessary here. It has been pointed out to me that I try too hard. It has also been pointed out that I don't try hard enough. In trying not to try but do (see Yoda, may his ears ever be gristly) the above is an attempt to get my name out into the world, honor my teachers and pass on some information about what I have learned over the years in the body-mind industry. The latter part of this, though I have by no means attained any semblance of mastery, is so that at least some bits will be assimilated by someone, somewhere and be able to assemble a compostie body of work that is not pure bullshit and just another take on the cardio-asana scene prevalent in Southern California. In other words, develop a system that is applicable to the shape of the hominid body and mind of this, the 21st century.
The narcissistic impulse is so powerful that many of my hominid cousins are so wrapped up in the Face in the Mirror that they never notice the poisoned apple. Then there, all encased in a crystal coffin they retain the look of eternal youth. But alas! The face moveth not, nor the body also! What monstrosity is this? What Caliban has escaped the pages of The Tempest to stalk the beauty of the late summers grass? What foul spell from The Magus transgresseth our flickering lives?
Alas, I digress. So in tooting my own kazoo I hope the full symphony of my teachers might be, at least in quarto, heard. The Gateway (that has no Gate, though a thousand paths lead to it) clearly delineated so some younger and braver soul might plunge in and see the place where the bodhi tree grows. If you need clearer instructions then I recommend zazen as a good place to start. Much good comes from just sitting, including a chance to do nothing. That may seem like a tall order, but if one is still loping across the tarmack of suburbia like a Neanderthal on steriods (my apologies to all and any Neanderthals still alive and those benefiting from there DNA Trust Funds. Any insinuation that they are on steriods is only literary license) one may very well find oneself in the tent of naughty boys and girls (again, literary license!) about to be turned into a donkey. If one is already a braying donkey, as I have been often accused of being, then take it to the next step and be sure not to board the boat that is christened The SS Nirvana Guaranteed. Ahem. One also might take the clue (and there is always a clue) of the Captain with the flashing gold tooth grimly addressed as Mr. Dark.
I wander again. I hope you enjoy the bio. It was fun to shoot and my producer Tommy is awesome as was his second named Billy. There was a lot more I wanted to say about my teachers and I hope I don't offend any one of them if ever they do see this bio. All were important to my development then and the continued develpment now (much, much work to be done and not done).
A question may occur to you as you watch this brief bio. "What did he do with the money he was given for singing lessons?"
When you see with your ears
when you hear with your eyes
you will cherish no doubts.
How naturally the rain drips from the eaves.
Roshi Daito founder of Daitoku-ji monastery in Japan a really long time ago.
And no, I don't know who that is coming out of the tree behind me!